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Ladies and jentelmen,Need hates Oliver now,cuz He not want I will character baldi mods and also he make blue link hateonkostya

Fuck u Oliver 

Fuck yout too

you are now infected by baldi 2008 hater virus, now. apologize your problems! 

He will not also Stop controlling people Don’t act like b2008

Also ur admin abuser from discord

??? im not

i wanted to make some people like dinoman2003 timeout or banned

(1 edit) (-1)

I hate you now…

Me too hates you

You dumb,why link blue see hateonkostya?Delete it now

Heh,anyone peoples stop hates baldi 2008(expert dino,teamaster43)

Maybe download bbrms 3 the fancy school file html maybe publish the play in browser please possible this work on unity you take clone bbrms 3 on android edit work clone html ok thank you send ok.



Please what not love

Me not item work

Hey what sad me not item work me

Say something



Hey you



(1 edit) (+1)(-4)

Get he fuck out bitch you are so fucking unoriginal kill yourself you don't deserve anything you literally like this shitty ass game and keep putting out the same ass image get the fuck out of this universe you shitty ass bitch now



(1 edit)

Get he fuck out bitch you are so fucking unoriginal kill yourself you don't deserve anything you literally like this shitty ass game and keep putting out the same ass image get the fuck out of this universe you shitty ass bitch now🤓☝

Get he fuck out bitch you are so fucking unoriginal kill yourself you don’t deserve anything you literally like this shitty ass game and keep putting out the same ass image get the fuck out of this universe you shitty ass bitch now🤓☝


nothing I just copied


Your mum asked




i don't know 


I Love Baldi 2008


He literally used kostya for hate and report

Shut up

and he used my brother to block me

im serious

Shut up asshole ✊

Deleted link hateonkostya now

b2008 should pay for this and everything will alright

That’s All Of B2008

(2 edits) (+1)(-2)

i kinda feel bad for him, b2008 used him and kostya did not even notice it

I see this i


пошёл нахуй кочерыжка рыготни

Deleted 14 days ago

Мне на тебя насрать глупышка(это не ред балди)

(1 edit) (+1)

Kostya's B

In teaching math an


the title

Okey,Kostya basics in teaching math and learning

(2 edits)

I hate b2008 he's a shit head and a mistake to society

No u